20+ Years

20 Years
Of Experience

About Company

Indian Forensic Investigation Laboratory (IFIL)

Indian Forensic Investigation Laboratory (IFIL) was created to provide Forensic Services from well qualified Forensic Experts along with their experience in different Forensic Fields Such as Handwriting and signature examination, Document Examination, Fingerprint Examination, Forensic Voice Analysis, Examination of Audio and Video Speaker Identification, Forensic Investigation in Insurance Fraud Cases, Image Verification, DNA Examination in paternity and Maternity cases, Crime scene Investigation, Cyber related cases such as Data Recovery, Mobile phone Tracking, Etc.
Our firm helped many people in bringing justice to the table within time. We provide PAN India Services.

Why Choose Us?

Our Success Journey Choose We can Provide.

Mauris ut enim sit amet lacus ornare ullamcorper. Praesent placerat neque eu purus rhoncus, vel tincidunt odio ultrices. Sed feugiat feugiat felis. Curabitur posuere tristique mauris non blandit. Sed consectetur venenatis enim, vitae vestibulum ipsum tincidunt in. Fusce et nulla vulputate, pellentesque leo non, bibendum orci.

Improving Your Health

Trust Shared Purpose

Better Health Outcomes

Empowered to Change

Innovations In Vaccines

Strict Quality Practices

Helpful Advice

Quality Assurance

Reliable Experts

Unique Technologies

Trusted Clients


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